Cybersecurity Facts
As data breaches occur around the globe constantly, some indication are confirming the AeTrade Group focus on providing secure solutions to it’s client:
• 43% of data breaches are focusing on small business victims
• Near 50% of breaches are performed through phishing attempt and stolen credentials
• Email is still the #1 vector of infections, with 94% of malicious payload delivered through emails
• Cyber-espionage is rampant in the public sector with 79% breaches involving external and/or member-state affiliated attacks
*Data from Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report 2019
In delivering managed IT services to its customer, the AeTrade Group has an important role to play in protecting clients informational and technological assets against internal and external hacking, data corruption and industrial espionage. With constant changes in today’s computing and networking environments, there is significant importance placed upon the implementation of the security mechanisms and controls, and on the need to monitor carefully.
To this end, the AeTrade group as established a strong cybersecurity program to protect both it’s own infrastructure but to protect the information trusted upon it by our customer, but also established many managed security services that can be extended to be leverage by the customer using it’s platform.
Our Security, Your Protection
As the AeTrade Group requirements in cybersecurity are very high in order to protect the data our customer entrust to us, it also allow us to expand our expertise to our public sector client. As part of their ongoing monitoring and improvements, government need to consult experts on a regular basis to assess their security posture.
The AeTrade Group provide the necessary expertise as per below fey services:
• Enterprise Security Program and Architecture Establishment
• Regulatory Compliance
• Security Policies and Procedures
• Threat and Risk Management
• Identity and Access Management
• Certification and Accreditation
• Security Training and Awareness
Managed Security Services
As small and medium enterprise owner will rely on the AeTrade Group to provide them most, if not all, of the Information and Communication Technologies necessary to operate in the modern market, the requirements to subscribe to quality security services will be inevitable to perform business and keep their own customer trust.
The AeTrade Group then offers many managed security services in order to protect the IT solutions and infrastructure used by our clients.
@2019 AeTrade Group Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of the AeTrade Group. The opinions expressed are based upon our analysis and interpretation of these particulars and are not to be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell the mandates mentioned herein. The AeTrade Group endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions
Through these offerings provided by the AeTrade Group, our clients will enjoy the following benefits:
• Easier compliance to security standards and required certifications
• Business process flexibility leading to quicker response times to new compliance need and security incidents
• Increased Security with implementation of secure access and reliable authentication methods
• Cost reduction through centralized and homogeneous user management tools
• Ease of integration with solutions used in the full business suite provided by the AeTrade Group