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H.E.  Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe

Chairman of the AeTrade Group

Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia from 2012 to 2018.  


He is credited with sustaining the country’s rapid and double-digit economic growth during his tenure off the back of a thriving agricultural sector. He also served as the Chairperson of the African Uinon from 2013 to 2014 and was appointed AU’s champion of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), a continental leadership role in which he led by example and then called on other African leaders to make policies and strategies with the aim to end hunger on the continent by 2025. In September 2018 he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), a pan African institution working with governments, public and private sector stakeholders and other partners to increase the incomes and improve the food security of millions of smallholder farmers across Africa. 


He also previously served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi from 2010 to 2012. After Meles' death in August 2012, Hailemariam succeeded him as Prime Minister. He was then elected as the Chair of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), the ruling party, on 15 September 2012.  

Summary of Key Leadership Positions

Hailemariam is a member of the board of numerous international organizations such as International Crisis Group, Alliance for a Green Revolution , Tana High Level Forum on Security in Africa , Brenthurst Foundation,  IBA Ethiopia Center for Innovation  and The Ethiopian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  Prime Minister of Ethiopia (2012–18); Chair, Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (2012–18); Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (2010–12); Advisor to Prime Minister with the rank of Minister (2007-2010); Chair, African Union (2013–14); University lecturer and Dean, Arba Minch University for 12 years; Vice President and President of the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State (2001–06). Currently: Board Chair, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA); Founder and Board Chair, Hailemariam and Roman Foundation (HRF); Board Chair,Tourism Ethiopia ; Board of Trustees, International Crisis Group (ICG); Advisory Board Member, The Brenthurst Foundation; Member of Parliament for 21 years; Member of different professional Associations. 



Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe
Mr. Treasure Maphanga

Ms. Treasure Maphanga


Former Director of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission


Ms. Treasure Thembisile Maphanga has dedicated her career towards poverty reduction, establishing an enabling environment for private sector development, trade, investment and industrial development. She has led major programmes in the spheres of policy development, trade-related capacity building and investment promotion, and people-centred development. She has served as a leader and an advisor to Government, public enterprises, inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations and private sector organisations.


Treasure Maphanga commenced her professional career as a Human Resources Practitioner in 1990, worked for eight years with multinational companies in Swaziland and South Africa in senior human resources management positions in different export sectors, including platinum mining, sugar and pulp and paper. She was a Business Owner/Consultant in Swaziland providing professional services to private companies, public enterprises, international agencies and some non-profit organizations for a total of seven years. At the age of 36, she was the first female appointed to serve as Chief Executive Officer in the Federation of Swaziland Employers and Chamber of Commerce and was instrumental in the operationalisation of a successful merger and institutionalising public-private dialogue in Swaziland. She was the founding Chairperson of the Conciliation, Mediation Arbitration Commission (CMAC) from 2000-2003, and the founding Chairperson of the Swaziland Competitions Commission. She has served on the Business Economic and Advisory Council, SOS Children’s Villages Board of Trustees (Swaziland chapter), First National Bank, Swazimed (Medscheme) and served for ten years is on the Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa Governing Council.


In 2011 she joined the Young Global Leaders Alumni of the World Economic Forum. From 2008 – 11 she was the Chief, Office for Africa, International Trade Centre (ITC), a joint agency of the World Trade Organisation and the United Nations, based in Geneva where she coordinated the ITC strategy and programmes in Africa. She served briefly as the Deputy Country Director for ICAP Swaziland before joining the African Union Commission in April 2012 as the Director, Trade and Industry responsible for trade, industry, mineral resources, blue economy and customs matters within the Commission. She was responsible for managing the African Continental Free Trade Area negotiations and implementation strategy as well as the African Union Commodity strategy, two flagship initiatives under Agenda 2063. The AfCFTA project is one of the most ambitious and successful continental integration initiatives undertaken by the African Union, encompassing trade in goods, trade in services, investment, intellectual property rights and e-commerce. It is a legally binding treaty signed by 44 countries on the day it was lunched, with 54 countries and ratified by 28 countries within 16 months and entry into force within 14 months.


From April 2019 engaged as strategic advisor to the Kingdom of Eswatini on various continental initiatives including the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and Special Envoy of His Majesty King Mswati III on the AfCFTA Bid. In September 2019 appointed the Project Director for the African Ecommerce Platform implementation for the Southern African region and charged with coordinating the establishment of all the five regional offices and headquarters once these have been identified by the AeTrade Board of Directors.


Treasure Maphanga holds an Executive Master’s Degree in International Negotiations and Policy making from the Graduate Institute of Geneva, Switzerland (2010), a postgraduate certificate in Strategy, Leadership and Change Management from Wits Business School, South Africa (1995) and a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from Trent University, Canada (1989)

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Dr. Amany Asfour

Dr. Amany Asfour 

Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and holds a Master & M.D. degree in Pediatrics at the National Research Centre of Egypt. Within a few years, she was able to establish a company for medical equipment with more than 30 brands. She realized the importance of the economic empowerment of women and established the Egyptian Business Women Association (EBWA) in 1995.

Dr. Asfour also started the African Alliance for Women Empowerment with focal points all over Africa as well as the Afro-Arab Network for Women Empowerment. Their main goal is to promote young generations of women entrepreneurs in Africa and to give guidance to women business owners of small & medium-sized enterprises. Dr. Asfour than established The Federation of Business & Professional Women BPW, Egypt. Dr. Asfour was elected the Chairperson of the Human Resources, Science & Technology Cluster, ECOSOCC (Economic, Social and Cultural Council) of the African Union, the FEMCOM-Egypt Federation of Business Women Associations in the COMESA Region and the COMESA Business Council.


She serves as the President of the Organization of Women in Trade (OWIT), the Mediterranean Congress for Business & Professional Women, and the African Organization for African Heritage and Culture. She is the Secretary General of the African Society for Scientific Research & Technology and the Vice President of the International Federation for Business and Professional Women 2014-2017. Dr. Asfour is awarded many awards from Egypt, Africa, Arab World, and from all over the world.


Key Leadership Positions


President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) from 2018 to date


Chair of COMESA Business Council since 2014 COMESA: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) until 2019. Dr. Amany is the first Woman to be elected and chair this organization, which is the apex Body of Private sector in COMESA. As a chair she lobbied for the Government Procurement policies with Heads of States. 30 % of Government Procurement goes to SMEs Women, Youth and Disabled. Dr Asfour also implemented a project for Corporate Procurement and trained 480 SMEs  half of which are women to supply big corporates and export in COMESA Countries.


Chair of FEMCOM 2007-2015 (Federation of National Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa) a COMESA Institution. Lobbying for gender policy and integration of economic empowerment of women in gender policy.


Chair of Human Resources, Science and Technology Cluster of African Union ECOSOCC (Economic, Social and Cultural Council) 2008 together with BPW Egypt Dr. Amany organized in collaboration with UNESCO the African Congress for Women in Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She managed to attract funds for a group of young women  innovators.



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Mr. Getachew Engida

Mr. Getachew Engida

Former Deputy Director-General United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

Mr Engida has spent the last 20 years leading and managing international organisations advancing the cause of poverty eradication, peace building and, sustainable development. He has extensively worked on rural and agricultural developments, water and climate challenges, education, sciences, technology and innovation, intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, communication and information with emphasis on freedom of expression and the free flow information on and offline as well as good governance. Mr Engida brings to the international public service a broad range of leadership and management skills from his academic background and rich experiences in the private sector. Mr Engida is a specialist in change management, good governance and transformative leadership in diverse international setting. Mr Engida has travelled widely in public speaking and leadership engagements at international conferences on peace and sustainable development issues and conferred with political leaders, policy makers, international, regional and national non-governmental organisations, the private sector academia and civil society.


Mr Engida has served as the World Bank nominee on the Boards of Trustees in a number of international organizations including Africa Rice (as a Chair) , the International Water Management Institute (Audit Committee Chair) . He is currently a member of CoRA – Conseil d’orientation de I’Agence franc;aise inter-etablissements de recherche pour le developpement, the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and the McKinsey Executive Panel. 


Born in July 1956 in Addis Ababa, Mr. Engida holds a B.A. (Honours) degree in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK) and an MBA with Commendations in Strategic Management from City University Business School in London (UK).


Mr Engida is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales since 1995 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK) . Mr Engida worked in progressively responsible managerial and leadership positions at Ernst & Young, BOC and Thompson-Reuters, the latter for ten years in the UK and Kenya (1986-1995). He was a senior executive at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome), a Director at the International Livestock Research Institute (Nairobi). Mr Engida has also served as a governance and management specialist on External Program and Management Review Panels of three major agricultural research centres supported by the World Bank, FAO, UNEP and UNDP.


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed Getachew Engida to be a member of the Board of Governors of the United Nations System Staff College beginning January 2016 on the recommendation of the High Level Committee of Management. Engida currently serves as a distinguished professor and co-president of the China-Africa Leadership Development Institute at the Tsinghua University in Beijing. Engida holds a BA in Economics from the University of Manchester (1981) and an MBA in Strategic Management from City University Business School in London (1993.)



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Mr. Marc Gauthier

Mr. Marc Gauthier

University Treasurer


“An effective governance structure is foundational for any and all progress.”

Few people would imagine financial services playing the role of ambassador for a university’s vision and values. But then, Marc Gauthier isn’t your typical university treasurer. Since 2011, when he was promoted to the new position of treasurer and investment officer, Gauthier has championed innovative and forward-thinking approaches to managing the university’s capital.

His success has generated substantial interest abroad. In the last two years alone, Gauthier has been interviewed about asset management in China, and been invited to Japan and the United States to speak about the investment strategy that he developed for the university’s pension plan.


“I started my studies here in 1989 as a 19-year-old with no money, and the university really gave me a platform to evolve,” he says. “I worked hard and I just kept moving up.” After completing his degree at Concordia in finance and accounting, and becoming an accredited accountant, Gauthier (BComm 94) proved his mettle as a financial analyst in various positions within the university. Prior to his appointment as Concordia’s treasurer, he worked for five years as the executive director of finance and business operations in the Services sector.

As treasurer, Gauthier is responsible for overseeing and managing the financial assets and liabilities. This includes five portfolios: benefits, investment, corporate risk, capital and financing .


Culture change
If there’s one thing that unites all of his responsibilities, says Gauthier, it’s a risk.  

“Risk is about planning, preparing, positioning, and managing the unknown. I want to best position myself for any vulnerabilities that my institution is subject to in a way that is proactive rather than reactive. I try to stay ahead of the game so that the sustainability of the institution is never put in danger.” To do that, he explains, you need to create a governance strategy that allows people at the institution to work together and look at all aspects of a problem. Gauthier and his team have effectively put this into practice, fostering a culture of constant dialogue. 


Following the global economic recession in 2008, Gauthier undertook to update the culture of governance surrounding the plan so that a new, more integrated investment strategy could be developed. He approached the pension committee and requested approval to perform a risk assessment. “The new design of the pension plan allows us to better prepare for and manage eventual risk,” Gauthier says. “It’s about embracing risk rather than trying to eliminate it.”


Gauthier believes his work has generated so much interest on the international stage because many portfolio managers around the world are struggling with evolving governance structures.

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Mohamed Beavogui

Mr. Mohamed Beavogui

United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Director General African Risk Capacity (ARC)


Mr. Mohamed Beavogui, an Expert in Agricultural Finance, was elected as the first Director General of the African Risk Capacity in January 2015, during the 3rd annual Conference of the Parties, which took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Mr. Beavogui has over 25 years’ international experience in development. Prior to his appointment with ARC, Mr Beavogui worked as Director of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization and Senior Advisor to the President of the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He joined IFAD in 2001 as Director of Programs for West and Central Africa, and was responsible for delivering the lending and grant program, and managing a large portfolio of projects.


Prior to joining IFAD, Mr. Beavogui worked for 7 years for the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in New York as Senior Project Management Officer, and subsequently as Regional Director for West and Central Africa.


Previously, he worked for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as Chief Technical Adviser, respectively in Burundi and in Rome, Italy. Before this, Mr Beavogui worked in the African Regional Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing (ARCEDEM) in Nigeria, and for the Government of Guinea.


Mr. Beavogui is a member of several panels focusing on regional and global issues related to food security and rural development. Mr Beavogui is recipient of several awards and distinctions.

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Paulina Mbala Elago


Accomplished, mission-driven leader with extensive expertise in international trade and economic development as a chief trade negotiator and leader of a Regional integration organization and oldest customs union in the world.


Possesses comprehensive knowledge of global trade and development agendas, navigating complex trade environments, fostering international collaborations, and driving economic growth. Credible history of developing international trade policies and strategies with a keen focus on advising and working with developing countries at high political levels. Leveraged leadership experience at the international level as well as leading international trade negotiating at regional and multilateral levels. Skilled at directing multicultural and cross functional teams, driving collaboration, and achieving exceptional results. Proficient in successfully running organizations and engaging at high political levels. Adept at providing valuable advice to key policymakers on international trade policy, trade facilitation including customs, logistics, and investment to drive regional integration. As a former Chief Trade Negotiator; known for negotiating bilateral, regional, and multilateral trade deals. Skilled development practitioner; adept at managing and delivering multi-millio dollar trade-related development projects within tight timelines and budgetary constraints. Committed to delivering specialised training and mentorship to enhance overall team performance. Skilled at building trusted relationships with key stakeholders and business partners, identifying business and trade opportunities to drive organisational success. Well-versed in overseeing policy matters, personnel, budgeting, finance, risk management, system design, institutional reform, and operations. Acknowledged as Head of SACU, for facilitating policy dialogue at ministerial and heads of state levels via proper planning and execution.


Career Experience

Windhoek, Namibia, Trade & Development Consultant 2023 – Present

Offer expert policy and economic advisory services, specialising in international trade policy, economic development, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), rules of origin, trade facilitation, regional integration, trade capacity building, and the implementation of trade agreements. Engage in collaborative efforts with key stakeholders to facilitate discussions on public policy, enhance visibility, and oversee impactful awareness programs. Contribute to international conferences with public speaking and representation and delivered exceptional trade policy advisory services and training to cross-functional teams in addition to facilitation policy dialogue.

Recent activities include scoping public speaking engagements at the EAC Private Sector Leaders Forum in Nairobi June 2023; BRICS Gender Divide Debate Women: BRICS and Africa, 14 July 2023, Durban South Africa; Namibia Women and Agriculture Summit on 27 September 2023, Windhoek Namibia; Great Supply Chain Shift Implication for the Commonwealth, Hosted by the Commonwealth Secretariat, 27 September 2023 London (Virtual). Undertook a scoping and background information gathering for a potential Trade Facilitation Project


Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Secretariat, Windhoek, Namibia Executive Secretary 2014 – 2022

Provided strategic leadership support to personnel in overseeing the daily operations of the SACU Secretariat. Developed and coordinated the implementation of regional programs/projects to align with the objectives outlined in the SACU Agreement of 2002, while prioritising key focus areas. Offered exceptional technical guidance on international trade policy, macroeconomic and development matters that influenced SACU objectives and regional initiatives. Expertise extended to areas such as trade facilitation and logistics, trade negotiations, industrialisation, export growth, investment promotion, and accurate determination, calculation, and allocation of revenue shares among SACU members. Engaged actively with the Council of Ministers and key stakeholders to identify priority sectors and explore their development and investment prospects for the development of regional value chains.

  • Led development of SACU's Strategic Plan for 2022 to 2027; initiated organisational review.

  • Provided technical and advisory support to SACU members towards negotiations of trade agreements with EU, UK, African Continental FTA, and Tripartite FTA negotiations.

  • Facilitated  strategic  policy  discussions  among  ministers  and  heads  of  states/summits  to  advance  integration  and  the development interest on the Customs Union.

  • Successfully planned and facilitated the 1st regional Investment Roundtable for SACU in April 2022, featuring 31 Investment attracting over 1,000 participants.

  • Established trusted relationships and strategic partnerships with stakeholders, development partners, and multilateral funding agencies to secure funding for regional projects;

  • Mobilised five-year Customs Modernisation programme funding from WCO via SIDA as well as UK government.

  • Fostered collaborative partnerships with the World Customs Organisation (WCO), and SACU Revenue Authorities to develop and implement digital and automated Customs systems leading to real-time data exchange at key commercial borders .

  • Facilitated and steered risk management and enforcement operations amongst Customs Authorities in the SACU region to reduce illicit trade in textiles, tobacco, and alcohol, resulting in ZAR 309M in customs revenue, arrests, and seizures of illicit products.

  • Advocated for SACU at national, regional, and international levels; engaged key stakeholders through dialogue, publicity, and awareness campaigns; and conducted roadshows across Member States.

  • Received 8 consecutive positive audit reports, while maintaining an annual utilisation rate of 85-90% of the budget through sound financial management, robust leadership, efficient programme management and delivery, and risk mitigation practices.

Ikbal Daredia



He holds a PhD (Summa cum Laude/ The Highest Distinction) in Applied Mathematics from University of Namur, Belgium, obtained in September 1986 and an MBA (option Leadership and Innovation) from University of Canberra, Australia, obtained in April 2017, After retiring from Public Service in May 2020, he is ready  to contribute to building peaceful and prosperous societies. Ambassador Professor Murigande’s illustrious career spans over 30 years of service in Rwanda and abroad.


From August 2016 to May 2020 served as Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, University of Rwanda (UR), the largest and most comprehensive university in Rwanda. he was, among other things, responsible for its public relations, building strategic partnerships, raising resources, and ensuring that students would have a memorable experience during their academic journey (their welfare, interaction with UR management, career and employability).  Some of the major achievements in this position are – the successful preparation and negotiation of the 4th phase of the UR-Sweden Program which earned a financing of US$35 million for 5 years (2019-2024) for improving research capacity of the University of Rwanda; the successful coordination of UR’s participation in preparation and implementation Phase 1 (2018-2021) of a US$120 million World Bank funded “Priority Skills for Growth” project as well as in the successful preparation and negotiation of  Phase 2 (2021-2023) funded to the tune of US$150 million; the preparation of the successful Expression of Interest of UR in the participation in Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and the formulation of a UR Program that ultimately earned UR a US$55 Million grant from Mastercard Foundation - the highlighting of underfunding of University of Rwanda leading to an increase of the government funding by 70%; - helped to establish the UR Alumni Association and UR Solidarity and Development Foundation to facilitate resource mobilization.


From Aug. 2011 to April 2015, served as Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Japan, with cross-accreditation to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and the Philippines.


From July 2009 to May 2011, served as the Minister of Education (with Science, Technology and Research portfolio) of the Republic of Rwanda.   


From March 2008 to July 2009, served as the first Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the Republic of Rwanda.


From Nov. 2002 to March 2008, served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Rwanda. 

From Feb 1998 to Nov. 2002, served as Secretary General of Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF),


From April 1997 – June 1998: served as Rector (or Vice Chancellor) of the National University of Rwanda (UNR).

From Sept 1995 to March 1997, served as Minister of Transport and Communications of Rwanda. 


From Aug. 1994 to Aug. 1995, served as Advisor to the President of Rwanda on Foreign Affairs.


From Jan. 1989 to Aug. 1994, served as Biostatistician in the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, at Howard University Cancer Center in Washington D.C., USA.


From Oct. 1990 to Sept. 1994, served as the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) Representative in the United States of America as well as its liaison officer with the US Administration.


From Nov. 1986 to Oct. 1988, served as Scientific Advisor to the Director General of the Geographical Institute of Burundi (IGEBU)






Oct. 2015 – April 2017           Online Executive  MBA delivered jointly by University of Canberra (Australia) and Ducere Foundation.

Jan. 1989 ‑ Sep. 1990:            Post‑Doctoral training in the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology of Howard University Cancer Center. 

Oct. 1982 – Sept. 1986:          PhD studies in Mathematics Sciences, the University of Namur (formerly called “Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix de Namur).

Sept. 1980 – Jun. 1982:          Master’s degree studies in Mathematical Sciences, at University of Namur. Concomitantly pursued a Teacher’s Diploma for teaching in A-Level called "Agrégation de l’Enseignement secondaire Supérieur".

Oct. 1978 – Jun. 1980:            Associate Degree studies in Mathematical Sciences (Candidate of Sciences) from the University of BURUNDI.




  • Currently serve as Chairperson of the Board of Governance of Kepler College

  • Former Chair of the Board of Governance of Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

  • Former Member of the Board of Governance of Kigali Independent University (ULK)

  • Former Member of the Board of Directors of Rwandan Institute for Dialogue and Peace (IRDP)

  • Founder Member of Transparency International – Rwanda and Member of the Board

  • Founder Member of the Rwanda Leaders Fellowship (organizing Prayer Breakfast for Leaders)

  • Former Member of the American Statistical Association

  • Former Member of the African Academy of Science


Amb. Prof. Charles MURIGANDE, PhD, MBA
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